Sunday, July 5, 2009

Red Cedar River

Big Island Red Cedar 030

This is from last summer on the Red Cedar river with @julielyda. The Red Cedar is great. We put in up by Menomonie and floated down for a few hours. There's a bike trail that follows it most of the way, and it's almost completely wooded, allowing us to see a ton of eagles at a uncomfortably close distance. The single greatest part of taking a trip down this river is the bar that's strategically placed midway between where we started and finished. They even have a boat landing for easy access.

After a short lunch break at the bar, drinking unusually strong drinks, we got back on the water to complete our trip, while @julielyda decided (with the help of her 9 parts vodka 1 part lemonade) her job was no longer paddling, but being the rock spotter, shouting out about rocks all over the river. Rocks posing no danger to us, or anyone for that matter

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