Monday, June 29, 2009

Campventure 2/Bonus Badass-ery


More photos from our brief campventure this weekend. As we were taking our brief hike-let, a large group of canoes and kayaks floated down the river. As they paddled by, I not-so-inconspicuously grabbed a few pictures of the folks on the river, prompting the rest of our hiking party to decide that I was, in fact, a little creepy.


Speaking of which, here is @punsultant threatening me for not enjoying one of his many hilarious and terrible puns. He may have forgotten to bring a proper tent, but don't think that he won't cut a bitch. In this case, me.

1 comment:

  1. We thought you were creepy because most of the canoes and kayaks contained chidren. That picture is not a good example of your creepiness.
